Saturday, December 10, 2016

Picacho Peak

On December 1st we moved from Tombstone
to Red Rock, Arizona.
 There were two nights below freezing before we left
but the daytime temperatures were in the 50's - 60's.
The trees started to loose their leaves after the freeze. 
Can anyone tell me why this could be a problem?
(Answer below)
Picacho Peak from our patio.
Some views as we walked around the RV park.
Two things you will not see in Iowa.
1. Socks on cactus.
2. Bales of Pima Cotton.

Picacho Peak State Park
It is time for another hike!
Amazing views
This is the trail through the Sonoran desert.
After several narrow switchbacks we reached the first cable.
The trail got really steep!
Too steep for us! This is where we stopped.
Fabulous views on this five hour hike.
We were sore for a few days but the Jacuzzi helped.

Luminaria Nights at the Tucson Botanical Gardens.

About five acres were lit up with luminaries. 

There were several entertainers stationed around the gardens
that we enjoyed, especially the bluegrass band.
They had many different instruments including
a washboard player.

It has been our tradition on Christmas Eve to drive around
Waterbury in Des Moines to see the luminaries
with family and friends. We really enjoyed
continuing this tradition in Arizona.

 Answer: Scott and Dairy Queen at the same exit! 

Life is like ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.


  1. Wow, what a steep trail! That was some challenge.

  2. Yes! We wanted to reach the top but our safety and desire to hike another day won out. Thanks for your interest in our adventures.
