Sunday, July 24, 2016

Livingston Living

 We arrived in Texas and  have been very pleased with the Escapees RV park. The people are friendly, the grounds, laundry facilities and tiled bathroom are nice and clean. We took a tour of the headquarters, mail forwarding service and the CARE center. CARE stands for Continuing Assistance for Retired Escapees, the only one like it in the nation. It is not a nursing home. They have a live jam session once a week, a Big Breakfast on Friday, Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, games, movies and Vesper Service Sunday evening that is open to everyone in the park. Click on the link to learn more. Escapees CARE

 Our love for Mexican food had us searching and we found a great place. We went there for our first meal and to celebrate that Scott received his Texas drivers license. I am still waiting on more paper work to get mine. When was the last time you had to show your Marriage License? They didn't like my Birth Certificate either. Thanks Wyley for going the extra mile to help!
It hasn't been all rainbows. Plowing through all the paper work for vehicle inspections, registration and licenses, voters registration, insurance, lots of phone calls, and obtaining drivers license has been challenging but we are taking it one sheet at a time. I took some time to "relax" in between. 

Sunday, July 17th was National Ice Cream Day and if you know Scott we had to attend the ice cream social at the clubhouse and met some new neighbors. 

Yes, it is hot in Texas but we go for sunset walks every night 
and the pool is fabulous in the afternoon. 

Now that we have most of the legal stuff done it was time to go out and explore.

Big Thicket National Preserve  had a ranger led night hike on Friday so we signed up. It is about 45 minutes southeast of Livingston. We arrived early to hike a few other trails.

A small group of 22 adults and children started off on a one mile hike with a few red lens flashlights. In the ninety minutes program the ranger talked about how insects use their different senses to hunt, attract mates, communicate and mark their territory. We were treated with bats flying over our heads as she talked about how they use echolocation.  She found two scorpions on the boardwalk using a black light flashlight and they glowed - very cool! We saw Pitcher plants which are one of the five species of carnivorous plants in the United States. With the clear sky and miles away from the city we had a beautiful star show and the ranger pointed out the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars as well as some constellations.

If you have questions please post them in the comments section.

Remember the days blessings, forget the days troubles.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Our New Adventure Begins!

After months of planning, selling almost everything we own, selling our three bedroom, three bathroom house, getting our son settled in an apartment, we are on our way! 
Our new home is a 2015 Sunseeker class C motor home, 28 foot with one bedroom and one bathroom. A few adjustments in our future.

Yes, Reagan, that is Meagan from channel 13.
Table for two with an ever changing view.

I made the curtains so you don't have to pull the
blinds down every time and still have privacy. 

Life long memories.

Scott and I are heading to Livingston, Texas for the next 30 days to regroup and plan our travels. Thanks for all the love and support from family and friends! We will miss you!

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen