Friday, August 27, 2021

Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Enchanted Highway

There are three separate areas to this park and 
we entered in the North Unit. No long lines here.
We never get tired of seeing wildlife.
Don't miss the Badlands in the background. 
The unique thing in the North Unit
 is the Cannonball concretions.
These "cannonballs" were formed when sand grains
from an ancient river deposit were cemented together
by minerals dissolved in groundwater. 
Wow! Check out this amazing statue of Roosevelt
 at the visitors center in the South Unit!
Look close, it is made of wood!
Maltese Cross Cabin was used by Theodore Roosevelt
 before he was President. It was built between 
September 1883 and April 1884.
Herd of Bison
and you can't miss all the Prairie Dogs.
Just a few miles east off I-94, we turned south on the 
What can one person do? 
This is one mans effort to bring tourism
 to his town of  Regent, North Dakota.
Click on the link above to read the story.
Tin Family
Check out Mamas big feet!
Galvanized stock tanks.
Can you image how many hours 
it took to make these?
He sure does make you smile!
Think Big, Dream Big!


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Glacier National Park!!


Waterton Lakes and Glacier meet along the 
International Boundary. In 1932 the governments of 
Canada and the United States linked these parks, 
creating the world's first International Peace Park.
Going-to-the-Sun Road is the main road
through Glacier National Park and this year you 
had to have a ticket ahead of time to get in. 
This is Sacred Dancing Cascade.
This area has always been sacred to the Blackfeet,
 Salish, and Kootenai peoples. 
Heavens Peak
I love this morning photo. 
We were in the park by 7:00 am!

We arrived at Logan Pass and it was so crowded 
that we couldn't even park.  I jumped out and 
took a picture even though we didn't get to hike
to Hidden Lake. 
Jackson Glacier 
God's beautiful world!
Lake Sheburne in Many Glacier
If camping is not your style, you can also stay at
Many Glacier Hotel/Lodge.
The next day we started a hike along Two Medicine Lake.
 We found out that the trailhead started 
in the campground down the road a mile. 
Oh well, at least we had a parking spot.
Stunning views at the start of our hike. 
Wow, we were so surprised to walk by 
this moose that was only 10-12 feet away!! 

On the way back we saw a Grouse with a few babies
and a Western Toad also known as the Boreal Toad.
There is only one toad species that live here. 
In the campground there were two Mountain Goats.
Well worth this 9 mile hike. 
It did take our legs two days to recover!

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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Road Trip to Glacier National Park

It is 1500 miles from Green Valley, Arizona to
Glacier National Park.
We love the freedom of traveling without reservations 
because you can find some great spots for boondocking. 
Here we are right across the road from 
Pink Coral State Park in Utah.
Another quiet boondocking spot in Idaho.
Stopped at the Idaho Potato Museum in Blackfoot, Idaho
which is in the old Oregon Short Line Railroad Depot 
built in 1912.
Marilyn Monroe greets you in her potato sack dress!
Insert your own joke here!
One thing to see is the largest 
Pringle which is in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Of course, we had to eat a baked potato in the café. 
Look out for all the Mr. Potato Heads!
This one came from a potato field far, far, away!
Idaho Falls 

It was a beautiful day to walk along the Snake River.

Another attraction to see is the Giant Eagle Waterfall Nest. 
Picturesque scenes even with haze from the fires.
We explored Kalispell, Flathead Lake and
this photo was taken on our way to Hungry Horse Reservoir.

Huckleberry is the "thing" around here. So far we have tried 
Huckleberry pie, ice cream, taffy, chocolate, and popcorn!

Next stop, Glacier National Park. 

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